Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 75
c/p SF Cal
2 July 1945

Dear Aunty Clara,

Rest assured, Aunty Clara, that I am going to see the medics about the TB germs. I talked to Captain Schleinitz today and he says for me to come in on sick call tomorrow morning and he will see about getting and x-ray taken. Maybe I'll not get the pix taken tomorrow but they might make an appointment for when I should come. More likely than not, I'll be a picture of robust good health as usual although - just supposing something should be wrong -- do you realize that I'd be sent home so fast it wouldn't even be funny? The army gets TB patients away from the non-infected troops as swiftly as possible. Say, maybe I ought to hope for that so we could be together by the end of this all important month in our lives. I could die happy then a couple days later.

Two of your letters arrived today. One dated the 20th and the other dated the 21st. I really received three letters but on closer inspection I discovered that the letter of the 20th came in duplicate and it went into the waste basket --- at least the second copy did.

Gee whiz, you know what I plumb forgot to do? That was to make up birthday greeting cards for Butch and for Rosana. It is much too late today to do anything about it but I will definitely have to have that job on my must program for tomorrow evening. However, I've taken care of Uncle Jack's birthday letter on account of because one of the days in the office when I was just twiddling my thumbs waiting for a typewriter to be idle, I wrote him a hand-written letter with birthday wishes etcetera.

Gee, that is too bad that Aunt-Aunt is going up to Canada this year for her vacation and especially with it coming right around the birthday time too. She probably has completely forgotten just how important this year is although really to someone else besides the two of us, it isn't so gosh awful important, is it?

I'm going to have to allot myself a whole lot more spending money here on Luzon than I ever did in the Canal. Maybe if I never get home to do any of my post war planning schemes, I will have at least enjoyed some of the pesos while they passed through my hands. Burdick says I ought to go to Santa Ana's, pick myself out a good dancer and just dance one dance after another until it comes natural and not to feel too embarrassed about being so awkward because those gals are there to dance whether you are good or bad at it. And of course when time passes, the pesos pass by too. Every kind of drink you can think of is one peso, lemonade, coffee, orangeade, and the heavier variety. Coca Cola is non-existent.

The fellows went out again after the required movie was shown but I couldn't go with them on account of my being Charge of Quarters once again. A little twist in the roster put me on duty both Saturday and today.

There is quite a lot of news today and I am wondering if I can get it all on two pages although probably the time I come to the end of the second page I will have forgotten most of it and be out of words.

For instance, I was skeptical about telling you the names of the fellows I saw but they are permitted just as we were to reveal their location when they hit Manila. I've talked to Harvey Beaumont, Joseph Kurtiss, Forgosh, GI Meyers and quite a few boys from the old outfit. And any day now I hope to get to see Larry Isaacson. It will be good to see him again for we were great buddies there for a while on New Cal. And to top it all off, I heard from some more old friends. Mike and Campbell sent me a note via one of their officers for some supplies and information on how to make out officer pay vouchers here. It is like old home week or something with almost all the remnants of the old regiment here together again. Even Bert Holley, Jack Molyneaux's old clerk assistant, and John Nugent our old mess sergeant who went to still another outfit are here. It is like meeting old friends from away back. You talk of old times and of people here and there and what happened to so and so etcetera.

They also keep a fellow from doing his work during the course of the day and it is imperative to remain up a little late getting it all done. In fact I had so much work to do on the Morning Reports tonight that I know Lt. Suiter is not going to be pleased with me in not doing some other work which I told him I would do --- not realizing that the Morning Reports would be such a big job in themselves.

O yes, the roof is completed and they have begun putting celluscreen at the open ends. However, the side windows (and they are large) are still open. Nevertheless, we tore down the tents today and expanded our office into the entire chapel. It is reminiscent of a car barn. The rain came down and the wind just carried it through right onto the desks and everything. Sometimes I wonder. Even the roof leaked in places and the repair work can begin already. The best of it is we were all bunched up in the center and because no one sat down to logically figure out a seating and desk arrangement for us, we are now crowded against the walls with the center completely empty. It doesn't make sense to be closed in alike that with all that space.

Today was payday at last and the pocket book is stacked up with more pesos than it has seen for a long time.

O say, here is a big news item. Jimmy Osis has been transferred into H&S Company! He is no longer the company clerk for Company B and like Jack, when he transferred, he is in line for a Tec 4. He is a darn good clerk and it was almost a certainty that he would rise from Cpl sooner or later. He is taking Norona's place as Stenographer. They considered Jack for the job but then didn't take him. Garriss from A Co. Was transferred to Co. B to be their clerk. It is a shame to lose a good clerk like Osis from Personnel but by going into Lewis's Headquarters Section he has a chance to become Tec 4 and that is to his advantage. Jimmy was always next in line in Personnel should any of the three of us, Sack, Jack or myself have gone. He is going to move into our tent in the company so it won't be bad for him seeing as how he knows all of us whereas he might have been stuck in a tent full of guys he didn't know from Adam.

I thought that when the Efficiency Reports were through I'd be free from work for a while but the reports were mailed out today and I have staring me in my face, four or five letters to type, a Medics payroll, officer pay vouchers, qualification cards and who knows what. A good two week's work.

So-long,   /s/ Roman   Roman