Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM SF Cal
9 December 1944

Dear Aunty Clara,

I received three V-mails from you today dated one the 1st and two the 2nd and one V-mail from Uncle Jack. Your V-mails were mainly in answer to my air mail letter and this first-sheet of today's letter will put what I hope is a period to that subject. For one thing JB is just one of those people who are born with minds that must operate according to the rules only. I suppose he can no more help being himself than the next fellow --- it just so happens though that he is what he is. That is my personal opinion but I'm not alone in feeling the natural reaction to that sort of mind, nor am I part of the majority. It is a unanimity. Probably the most apt way to describe his actions is that he means well. There is no inherent cruelty or meanness in his character --- only the single minded purpose about rules being obeyed and, in a manner of speaking, that he is not only to enforce them to the letter but to augment them with his own. And, coupled with that, there is a certain tactlessness which takes in no account of other human feelings--- as if life or the work in life can and should be done by human automatons.

A very good example to illustrate this point is the deal concerning the running of the movie machine. The job was turned over to this battalion on short notice and the rules said that operators must be provided immediately and that we should take it over completely without a hitch. The rules also state that available, experienced projectionists will be used for it is valuable equipment being worked with. So the rules were enforced as you can well remember. But, the human reactions were not taken into account by the executor of the rules and had to be brought to the attention very sharply. But the job had to be done and the rules only know one way. Yet, from that moment on he did look for the possibility of correcting the unpleasant situation.

You can see that by judging the actions alone one could class him categorically as a Henry Kroupa but on analysis there is more room for pity and understanding of just how his mind works for, as I said before, it is devoid of intent to hurt. However, in answer to you suggestion that psychology might be used to influence his way of thinking, that is out. Did you ever see anyone influence the thinking of a mind like Carrie Nation's or Thaddeus Stevens? It just can't be done so the best thing is to get away from it or work with it.

A change would not do me much good --- I guess I'm the kind of fellow that has to have an inside job or office work, for it's in my blood now and the outside jobs never would be. Old Leishman, however, is the kind that dislikes an inside job, he wants out of this office bad, but can't get out--- he says he could drive a truck or anything. Angert wanted out and because the feeling was mutual, he got out and is now a welder in the motor pool. He did that type of work before. Hipp got an okay on a transfer from his company commander and his old outfit was willing to take him back but he couldn't get out of here. It is a hard job quitting a clerk's job anyway. Jack wanted out to go with Terpening but that was squashed, too. Then he tried to go with Terry and that was also kiboshed.

As for myself, I believe the low spot has been reached --- the spirits couldn't go much lower and from now on it will be on the upgrade or hold its own. I guess the dragging out of the duration has a lot to do with discontent the world over too. It is there, pressing in the back of your mind, but you'll never admit. If every once in a while, a person took stock of things and thought it out, he'd be ready for another long pull. And I've done just that with your help.

So-long,   /s/ Roman   Roman