Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM SF Cal
20 September 1944

Dear Aunty Clara,

We went to the show but came back shortly after it started for it was another putrid affair. Of course, it was easy to walk back from our theater area. That is the bad part about going away from the area to see a show - if it is lousy, you are stuck there until it is over. We came up to the office in time to hear Suspense but there really wasn't much suspense to it as the ending was plainly seen long before it came around. But, the other radio programs of the evening were alright. We had Dinah Shore singing various songs, among which was "Blues in the Night". Another program had Virginia O'Brien (she looks like Anita Lopez Garcia de Alba Schmidt) singing that crazy song about "It Looks As If Our Romance Has Ended" plus a few other dead pan tunes. Following her was Ella Mae Morse (the gal they say is the best thing that happened to swing music since Dinah Shore) singing a new number called "Patty Cake Man" much on the order of her most popular song "The Cow-Cow-Boogie."

Right now the time is well past ten bells and I'll be taking the evening shower and then to bed. O yes, I tried to study a bit but with the crowd in the office, the concentration is a bit difficult to achieve. I never gave it a thought until now, but I didn't answer any letter this evening and now am really guilty of negligence in the matter of corresponding. O yes, another thing. It was raining along about four bells when the working day was drawing to a close and Lt. Suiter made the remark that "Tonight would be a good night for letter writing". At that I said "Better not get me started" and he laughed and said I shouldn't get ideas for it is now a well known fact that on the occasions when I am ambitious in the letter writing deal, I can turn out two to three weeks back correspondence in one sitting. This Sunday for sure I'm going to make it a must if not before then for it is stretching out into months for some of the people on the other end of the letters since they last heard from me.

Did I tell you that I might be losing my friend, Jack Molyneaux? Yes, it is sad but true that my Army fellow worker for the past 22 months may soon be leaving for the States. You wonder how come he can do that? Well, he has applied for Officer Candidate School and it looks as if he is getting the okay all the way around. And if there is anyone who can talk-it up good, it is Jack and I see no reason why he can't make it. The office will be strange without Jack, for we have stuck together thru two Personnel Offices now and have been pretty popular as the Klick and Molyneaux combination. Well, maybe some year in the future, if we happen to be traveling around Philadelphia way, we can drop in and visit Jack and his wife Betty in Norristown where mansions sell for $5,000 and an average home is high priced at $2,000. I'll actually hate to see him go even though it will be for his own benefit. He is applying for the transportation Corps but almost without a doubt will be accepted for Engineer OCS since he had his basic training in the Rugged outfit of Combat Engineers that have been making their name famous throughout the war ever since the landings on North Africa, Sicily, Salerno, Anzio and then in the fighting above Rome.

Maybe that shower this evening isn't such a hot idea. Lewis came back from there just now and said you have to be careful when you step under it for fear it might scald you meaning naturally, that is colder than that. In other words, it must be the limit.

Several things happened today during work which give me good ideas on how to keep up my records and I believe that the ideas will keep me quite busy for the next few days carrying them out. The one trouble I have during the day is trying to keep at my work with Grauel, Jack and the buglers sitting all around me conversing most of the time.

Holy smokes, now the fellows are mapping war strategy at this late hour in the evening. I'm just going to quit this letter write --- no, I mean right - now and hit the hay.

Most fellows say they are going to hit the sack because they crawl inside their mattress covers to go to sleep so that they have the illusion of sleeping between two sheets just like back home. I, however, sleep on the mattress covers and throw a blanket over myself.

So-long,   /s/ Roman   Roman