Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM SF Cal
20 August 1944

Dear Aunty Clara,

This is the second sheet of today's V-mail letters and I hope to make it a little bit more pleasant than the first one. There is a reason in back of my not writing prior to this late hour on Sunday evening. In the first place, I managed to stay in bed sleeping or also waking up to read the Digest until twelve bells this morning. At that time I got up to eat but promptly lay back on my cot reading the Digest once again after lunch. That was until Lt Suiter sent down for me to do a rush job of typing which is still sitting around the office now and might as well have been done tomorrow morning during the day. However, there you know the old army story of "hurry up and wait". That is expected and accepted as the normal routine. It was a typing job which didn't take more than fifteen minutes but for fellows who aren't familiar with it, it would take hours to do which is one advantage of experience since it makes the same work easier as time goes by. Nevertheless, I was finished and then I wandered around the area going first to B Company and then to Mersing's Supply Room where I was when the supper bugle call began blowing. Not long after that I went down to the show area to sit there and read the Digest while waiting for the picture.

The picture was "See Here, Private Hargrove" and was humorous with Donna Reed and Robert Walker taking the leads. Yet, I could have missed it very easily for it was not a great picture at all.

The show was over at nine o'clock which allowed us ample time to be at our radios when nine-thirty rolled around and that program "Suspense". This evening's program was crazy --- all about a fellow who dreamed he had met Aaron Burr in his dreams and it became so real that they finally had a duel (in his dreams) and the result was that he died in his sleep with all indications of having died from a bullet wound with the lone absence of a bullet hole. The result of this was that it drove his wife crazy. Not up to the usual par.

O yes, I forgot to mention that I received two letters today. One was a V-mail from you dated the 12th (I think) and the other from Harvey Beaumont. The reason I'm not sure on the date is because I left the letter in my foot-locker and will not even be able to answer them now since I don't recall exactly what I had to say in answer.

One thing I know I did not accomplish and that was to write a letter to Pat but after such a long time I have fell into a strange sort of apathy from which I find it difficult to arouse myself and I am almost to the point where I do not consider it worth the effort to keep up the correspondence. This letter business I had told you I needed your advice on will never be sent for it would be too foolish. Another thing is that she hasn't written me whether she received the skirt and the bracelet yet nor has she sent the pictures she promised to and besides that, she must have received two letters from me after she had sent out the last letter to me and I, therefore, feel justified in sort of overlooking this letter. Maybe I'll have to hand her a line (which is always good) that military necessity was such that it was impossible to write. That is what a person could call a fib --- it does more to smooth over a bad situation than it does do to hurt anyone.

Another thing is that my entire spirit is apathetic to writing letters. These daily letters to you are all I really care about and I could easily stop writing all the others. Of course, I'll never do such a thing for the people I write to are the people I want to renew friendships with after the war and I can't do it by stopping the correspondence. I remember I got that way once before in Camp White just before coming home on furlough. I sure wish that history could repeat itself and send yours truly home again. Aha, dream on and on.

So-long,   /s/ Roman   Roman