Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM SF Cal
12 Aug 44

Hi Jerry,

Hello there. I was glad to hear from you once again and to know that you were still on those golf courses swinging your way from green to green. I can well imagine that you have had a great time playing on the different courses around the city. Moreover, that 95 you shot at Timber Trails is okay --- from what I heard of Timber Trails, it is a rugged course, too.

If everything goes well, I should be home next summer for a couple of weeks with plenty of time to take up the game once again. I'm looking forward to those days and hope that it isn't just going to be a daydream. You see, the army says that after a person is overseas for two years, he can go back home again for a three week furlough and then be stationed in the States for a while before going back overseas again. We came over in May of last year and by May of next year, we are ready to return again.

So you are still making good use of your time in the summer months by working at Sears, eh? More power to you, Jerry. Incidentally, I don't know just where in Sears Pat is working but she has been working there this summer vacation also. Have you ever seen her around? And, while on that topic, have you ever found out when her birthday is or anything like that, I'd still be interested in knowing.

That last half of the Senior year is coming up, eh? It doesn't seem s long ago when we were riding the bikes and talking about the war lasting so long that both of us would be in it together. We really didn't think that day would come about, did we? How old will you be next year after you are out of school? I didn't think that you would be near the draft age until the year after.

By the way, unless you are dead sure that being in the Merchant Marines is what you want, I wouldn't do a bit of enlisting if I were you; but wait until they come around and invited you to join up. Being away from home and in the Service can become awfully boring and you shouldn't have any regrets if you never get into this thing. I've been fortunate thus far in being in an outfit which hasn't seen battle nor come close to a battle zone but in spite of that, the Army isn't such an appealing place. Good luck.

So-long,   Ro

P.S. Say hello to your folks, & How is Junior?