Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM SF Cal
2 August 1944

Dear Aunty Clara,

Fates have worked against me to the end that it is now ten-thirty in the evening and I am first now beginning to write. I'll only write this letter and none others for I will not have the time to. All my promises to myself of getting to bed early have been of no avail. For one thing, at four o'clock the chairs went out of the office but instead of leaving at that time and going down to the dayroom to write letters, I lingered to read a new Look magazine just out. When I did go down to the barracks to change into my fatigues, I began talking to Sackett and then read thru a new Liberty magazine. By that time it was eating time and the gang of us went to the mess hall. From the mess hall, it was back to the barracks where I attempted to handwrite Eleanor a letter but couldn't manage because of the inconvenience in trying to write standing up by using the ledge for a desk and also the failure to concentrate with the fellows talking and a dice game going on inside the doorway. O yes, then there was the laundry to be sorted out and put away which took up additional time; so that before we knew it the time was six-thirty and we were ready to go to the show.

We all thought the show would be brief but that's where we were wrong for there were about three Army films about the war, a newsreel and a song sing before the main feature. The main movie was, as you know, "Jane Eyre" and, as I suspected, was written by one of the Bronte's --- Charlotte. If you saw the picture, you probably know that Joan Fontaine plays a role similar to that she played in Rebecca in that it shows a change in her character from a secluded person to one that was in love. Of course the stories were altogether different.

When we did get back to the office, we discovered that the chairs were still not in the office although the purpose for which they were used --- a meeting of all officers in their dayroom --- was over. As a result, we had to go get them and I drove Bill, Lewis and Mathis over to the guard tent so that they could get the guard truck and haul the chairs back again. From there I continued on down to the Motor Pool where Captain Ladley asked me to check his tires for air. They sure were low.

Speaking of the Motor Pool, John T. did leave the drafting job this afternoon and when he told Captain Hanton that he was ready to go to work down there, Hanton gave him the afternoon off. Not bad, eh? He still hasn't the faintest notion as to what he is getting into or what his job is going to be.

Incidentally, Private Gideon C. (C for Conover) Holmes the Third is no longer a private but has been promoted to the rank of Corporal (Technician Fifth Grade) as a plumber in B Company.

Another additional item about people I know or used to know is that Captain Hanton now has two proteges doing a good job in the position of Company Commander. First it was Lt London who left the company to become the commander of B Company and now Lt Small who we left with the 353d has been given charge of a company. They will both become Captains in that capacity.

Immediately after finishing my letter to you this afternoon, I answered that questionnaire and mailed it back in that envelope and put a six-cent air mail stamp on it. Any government mail like that takes A-1 priority by plane in going back to the states with or without a stamp but after it hits the states it goes by rail unless posted with a six-center. It shouldn't take very long under the circumstances. By the way, that is one letter which didn't have to be censored at all for it was official and confidential mail.

The time now is nearing eleven bells and I'm nearing the close of my letter. Today hasn't been such a bad day except for the fact that I didn't get any other letters out.

/s/ Roman