Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM San Francisco, California
8 July 1944


"Dear Roman:

Your letter came this morning so I'll sit down and answer it imejutely!.

The place we lived in at 51st was laid out quite differently than the one we are moving into. It had a Living Room, Dining Room Hallway and a Bed Room on one side of the house and a Bed Room, Bathroom, and Kitchen on the other side. But I think we are going to like our new home better, once we get in.

Mrs. Ohlsson (Mrs. Wren) has apparently recovered from her operation and seems to be in good health. Mother was over to see her the other day and said she looked fine.

And now, GRANDPA, for the park situation: I think you would give a lot to be in the park, even on a swing - now wouldn't you? Be honest.

When my cousin, Vincent Johnson, was in (he had been overseas for approximately 26 months), he and mother went over to the "Brads" and I went out at night. Brad took us over to Calumet Park and we had a picnic supper. Then they put Lynne on a swing and the first thing you know, Vincent and I were over to where the other swings were and standing on a swing together - that is on a swing built for OLDER people. Ahem!.

I quit reading for a while. I thought I'd better give my eyes a little chance to rest, but my resolution wasn't so good because today I meandered over to the library and got the book " A Leaf in the Storm" by Lin Yutang. It's a novel of War-swept China. Lin Yutang is supposed to be quite a good writer but as yet I haven't been able to bury my nose in the book, so I can't say just what I think about him.

Mother and I went to see "The Story of Dr. Wassell" last Saturday night and we enjoyed it immensely. When Vincent was in, we saw "Going My Way" with Bing Crosby and that really was good. They had a good stage show too. We were glad they had a good billing at the Chicago that night because it was the first show he had seen in a long time and he had a good time laughing.

It seemed that it rained every day he was here -- as a matter of fact it did and I swear that I got caught in it all the time. One night we were on the Michigan Avenue Bridge and it rained pitchforks, hoehandles, cats, dogs, etc. with not a place in sight to get out of the rain, so we got free baths. Finally, we managed to get to a small alcove in one of the Bridgetender's tower - just room enough for two but before we were through, there were six of us there. So, Vince and I decided to leave and make a dash for the bus. Result - two well drenched, sober people.

Write soon,

