Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM San Francisco, California
4 July 1944

Dear Aunty Clara,

This afternoon's mail saw another big batch of mail come in and I received your pencil written letter of 27 June 1944 along with an answer from Eleanor Angsten on the letter I sent her in lieu of a birthday card. In one of your letters of this morning you mentioned the fact that perhaps Pat wouldn't notice the new title on the letter and would continue to address the mail as always, just as it escaped Uncle Jack's attention. Well, Eleanor never noticed it at all but I'm certainly not going to make a point of bringing that to their attention --- it isn't that important and doesn't leave a good taste in the mouth of the person who reads it.

By the way, the pencil edition of a V-mail which you sent to me comes out much fainter than the ink copies. It is still readable but it hasn't got that sharp, clearness to it.

Going back to Eleanor's letter. She seems to be in a daze, if you ask me. Her letter, a large part of it, doesn't make sense, for she starts on one thing, doesn't finish it and then goes off on another tangent. Perhaps I'm not exactly the kind to criticize being an erratic writer myself but I just noticed that and am commenting on same.

Another thing is that she is seemingly trying to promote a love match for me someplace. I don't know if she is serious or if she is kidding. Incidentally, Mary Kuehnle finally must have wised up as to how Yzzi had an address way out there on a South Sea Island for she asked Eleanor for my address, most likely to compare them rather than to write me a letter. Just for the fun of it I ought to write Mary one of those crazy type letters on the order of Gary Moore's radio programs. Before coming in the army when all the girls wanted to know whether I would write them a letter or not, I wrote one of those crazy things down at the office and gave it to Marion as an example of the type of thing I would write to her.

Getting El's letter makes a total for me of eleven separate V-mails I must write this evening if I want to catch up on them. I hope to accomplish it. By the way, the stage show that was rumored to be, isn't and in its place is a picture on a non-picture night. The name of it is "Lady Take a Chance" and I do not believe I have ever seen it but I don't care very much since I have those letters to get out. The boys in the barracks have really accomplished a great deal according to the reports that are coming up. Between the hour of four and five they managed to get the three logs stuck into the ground, holes bored thru the logs and a clothes wire stretched tightly between them.

Tomorrow night is "The Song of Bernadette" and I only hope nothing prevents me from going to see it although I have my doubts since before Saturday morning the grass has to be cut away from the first fifty feet down the sides of the hills as a prevention against fire. That probably will have the company out there sweating away tomorrow evening. But, even so, we could be finished well before show time.

Holy Cow! I've kept away from all evening long conversations for a long time now and tonight of all nights, there was one going on in the office. It all began with Lt Suiter and I talking about out work and the attitudes we had toward several things (we are surprisingly at odds on several points). Naturally, when there is a difference of opinion, the conversation thrives and on we talked with others getting in on it as they came into the office. The discussion is still going on and is in the field of war (mostly the combat variety which the alumni of the 353rd know not so much since we were mainly construction and there have been quite a few developments since our training days). Lt Suiter was surprised to learn that there were some phases of the Engineering field we didn't know about. Of course, that furthered the talk with Lt Suiter and Jerry Angart talking over quite a few of the combat tactics, etcetera.

So-long,   /s/ Roman   Roman