Cpl Roman F. Klick 36620923
Co "A", 353rd Engr Regt
A.P.O. #502, c/o Postmaster
San Francisco, California
29 December 1943

Dear Aunty Clara,
Wednesday, New Caledonia

I took the bandage off the finger this morning and found the wound had healed up very nicely. In fact I have already started to type on it again but the going so far is just as uncertain as it was when I switched over to the temporary finger set-up. That just shows how quick a transition could be made.

There was no mail at all today for me. I do not recall whether that makes the fifth or sixth day without mail this month. I think it is the fifth day for the month but just the same my letterless days for December are now greater than those for November.

The first thing I did this morning was to run down to the orderly room to respond to the call of Lt Podelwitz. My letter of the 27th had to be retyped and I did it immediately because I know very well that had I let it go until this evening, I most likely would have not bothered about it at all. As it is you are probably receiving it at the same as this letter.

The rest of my day was taken up first with that informational roster and then with some Company work. That info roster is coming along rather well and when it is completed, I'm going to think it is the best one of all the clerks. Of course, that is a prejudicial opinion because what clerk doesn't think his is the best?

I see by the Sopac that the Chicago Bears beat the Washington Redskins 40-21. I was glad to see them do it as you know.

The three day pass which I have talked of off and on for the past few months and which I thought for certain I would go on this week before the payroll is started, has not materialized once again. There just weren't any passes issued by my company this week and that is all there was to it. Next week whether the company issues them or not, I'll not be able to go because the payroll days will be back once again.

Company B has set a punch bag up just outside its orderly room fastened to a tree. It is one of those small kind which are inflated with air. I've tried punching the thing and find to my surprise that it is not as easy to keep it rat-tat-tatting as it looks in the sports films.

Our laundry came back today but I haven't had the time to check it over to see whether I get back less than I sent, more than I sent or substitutes for what I did send. That seems to happen frequently to the other fellows but so far (knock, knock) I've been rather lucky in getting most things returned to me correctly.

I incremented my hoard of candy today by purchasing six O'Henry candy bars and only eating one of them. Eating only one candy bar so far is an amazing record seeing as how large my stock pile is. I kept my word and didn't eat any more of them yesterday after I said I wasn't going to.

When I was in the PX to buy those O'Henry's bars, I also picked up a haircut ticket and think I will treat myself to another trim sometime tomorrow. In spite of the fact that I only had a haircut about two weeks ago, people still think my hair is long. That is because I keep it at that stage where it doesn't look as if I've just had a haircut even after I've walked out of the barber shop.

It is only twenty minutes after four right now and maybe I'll get back to the tent in time to put away the laundry. Pardon me, I spoke too soon because Forgosh has just walked in and asked me to help him decipher some of the names on Jack's roster which were written in carbon. It looks as if this intermittent typing and helping him is going to take away that extra time which I have just spoken of. O well, (sour grapes) I didn't want the time anyway.

Hooray, he gave up in disgust at the illegibility of the roster and went back to his Battalion Headquarters Tent.

/s/ Roman