Cpl Roman F. Klick 36620923
Co "A", 353rd Engr Regt
A.P.O. #502, c/o Postmaster
San Francisco, California
19 September 1943

Dear Aunty Clara,

It is too bad that Renee's teeth have to protrude. In a girl it doesn't look good. Let's hope that Anita and Bill get the dentist busy on fixing a brace to hold them in check. Renee is such a good looking kid that it is a shame to have something avoidable like that ruin her looks.

I'm glad to hear that Ricardo has found himself a job in a defense industry. As I told you if he hadn't secured such employment, the Army could exercise its right to return him into Active Service. I should say he would be glad to work ten hours a day rather than to be in the army. Many a times I have wished that I could be working as a civilian any amount of hours per day just so that I could be home.

Thanks for buying the extra flashlight batteries and bulb. I only hope that they work in the flashlight because lately all I can get out of the thing is a feeble gleam. Something is definitely wrong with the connection but I don't know what to do to fix it.

Well, since you want to know of something that I would want that would be extra special and different than just something, I suppose a better Atlas than a cardboard cover one would be the ticket. I imagine that they have some books of maps and information in the downtown stores. At the present time when I have not a library available, I think that a non-fiction informational book will be of more value to me than a plain story. The story books I can read and add to my collection but an informational book is always there for use over and over again.

Then again, just to keep me guessing as to what you are sending me for Christmas, you could add this to the list of available books: Any Galsworthy book not included in the three series I now own. The ones I now have are: "The Forsyte Saga", "End of the Chapter" and "A Modern Comedy." A Galsworthy book is always a worthwhile addition to my collection of his works as my favorite author. Also in this same vein goes his biography entitled, "The Life and Letters of John Galsworthy."

Another type of informational book I would be interested in would concern history. The only trouble with that is as a general rule those books which try to cover to great a period say nothing and those that cover a small period are not general enough.

So Uncle Jack is still wearing a cap on the chilly days? People may scoff if they want to but the fellow with a cap on his head during the chilly days is the fellow who is keeping the warmest. Even in high school they laughed at the big black cap I paid a dollar for but I wonder if they ever noticed that I was one of the ones who never had his ears frostbitten. I think that Uncle Jack goes by the same philosophy.

It has taken some strong will power on my part to hang on to my dough these days when Jack Molyneaux comes around adding up his winnings in dice. They mount to almost $200 now and are going up every day. System or no system on my part I am not going to chance risking any more money as I so foolishly did at the beginning of winter. He is dividing his winnings between bonds and a bank deposit account with the army.

Saying winter sounds so foolish but I'm just getting myself in the mood to receive the summer which still lies in wait for us around the corner.

A Saturday copy of the Chicago Daily News was kicking about the dayroom today and Larry and I glanced over it. It is alright to read the hometown paper once in a while. It seems that several fellows have subscriptions to the various papers because once and a while a Trib or a Times is floating around. By the way, will you mail me one of those elevated maps? There may be an extra one in my desk or in the basket on my dresser. Or else you can get one at the station. I'd like to show that Pennsylvania boy, Jack, a few things about Chicago.

So-long,   /s/ Roman   Roman