I guess this will have to be a restricted letter after looking over the contents once again.

26 February 1943
Camp White, Oregon

Dear Aunty Clara:

A woman is a man's curse. I never knew when I was well off. I asked for it and got it on the chin. Sure I enjoy getting letters from Lana and I like to send them just as well; but I didn't bargain for the time consuming element involved in them. As you can probably see for yourself, she is concise and accurate in both her use of English and the actual putting it down on paper. That is bad because I will have to continue to do likewise. In addition to that, not being quite as familiar with her as with my other correspondents, a rather close study must be made of the choice of subject and the manner in which it is handled. As a consequence I am writing this letter to you in the few minutes we have before starting work instead of at night with ample tine to elaborate on this that and the other.

It can be seen at a glance that although she is younger than Jerry and a half year lower than he is in high school, she has not developed along his lines at all. In comparing his letters with hers, I gather that you will note a marked distinction. Or isn't there any comparison?

There wasn't even a chance to dope out my return chess move to Bob Hesser. O women! The root of all evil.

There is going to be quite a lot of work to be done today and since they have begun to give all clerks and students one morning a week off, today is the day that Harvey will not be down. Driscoll, the tough one, when he heard about Personnel giving the men a half day off said that as far as he was concerned Harvey was working. There doesn't seem to be any pleasing of that fellow.

I did not go to any movies last night. Surprised? The fact of the matter is that the show had the same picture as the nlght before. Pay day is only a matter of days now and it is about time. By staying in camp and then having the opportunity to go roller skating ran me clear through that last $5 you sent and I now have the grand total of 8l¢ which will be enough to see me through the ice skating session which Jack Molyneaux and John Marth and I have cooked up for this Saturday or Sunday evening.

I have decided to make two copies or Pat's letters, at least for a while, so that I know what I am talking about and referring to. As I only made one when I wrote them out, I will have to retype them before sending them home to my permanent files. Gee, she writes about basketball on the order which Ray Bernatsky followed in his write-ups of the game for the local newspapers back in college.

Solong until noon.
/s/ Roman