Camp White, Oregon
7 February 1943

Dear Aunty Clara:

I did not write anything last night because I thought the extra sleep might do me some good. I laid down right after the evening meal and did not wake up until "Tattoo" had blown. That is the call which is sounded at 9:00. By ten o'clock, after a short walk to Regimental, I was back in bed snoring wood.

Even though today is Sunday there is plenty of work to be done and that is what has been keeping me busy a good part of this morning. I do not intend to spend my whole day working. After all, two Sunday's ago we were compelled to work and last Sunday I was in bed with the cold in my eye. I think I deserve part of the today to do as I please, don't you think so?

The amount of work which has come in (men who decided that they suddenly have dependents who need financial aid, men who are increasing their life insurance to a maximum of 10,000 dollars, men who are increasing their war bond allotment, and men who have decided to make class E allotments back home) is terrific. On top of this we are busier than all get out attempting to meet various dates which Lt. Warner has informed us are deadlines in getting our personnel work in order. Added to that confusion are the coals heaped upon our heads by Company A. They are trying to crush us with company work; so yesterday I refused to do any more of it. I sent their runners back with the message that I have enough of my own work to do without doing theirs for them. I was backed up in this by Sergeant Nyalka who told me not to do any company work without first seeing him.

I received a letter from you yesterday and a letter from Marie Volenec. Again I was afraid I was not going to score until the letters were handed to me late in the afternoon.

All men in the regiment have been told they can apply for a half day pass beginning at noon of any day they choose up to and including the 10th of February. I would like to take advantage of that offer but I am afraid that if I do, I will only have to stay up to 4 A. M. the next two evenings trying to catch up on my work. The entire regiment has also been instructed to get G. I. haircuts and our barber facilities have been sorely taxed as a result of that order. It has also been recommended that we purchase hunting knives, flashlights and extra batteries, and various other items.

I like those fancy envelopes a whole lot. They set a fellow grinning before he even opens his mail. It's like waking up on the right side of the bed in the morning.

When I went to the dispensary last week with my eye, they put in a 10% solution of some brownish medicine. That business doesn't do any good. They can't stop an eye cold any more than they can stop a regular cold. I do know that the boric acid solutions you put on my eye back in college were a lot of help in opening it up. I remember the onslaught of that one very well. I had just gotten up in the morning and I tried to open my eyes and it hurt me so much then that I actually winced from the pain. This siege was not as terrific as all that.

So long for now,
/s/ Roman

P.S. Just as I finished typing this letter, your package of chocolate chip cookies and Tangos was delivered. Yumm, yumm, they are better than ever. Thank you (Merci vous, Ma Tante Clara).

Also thank you for the Sunday Times Funnies.