Rec'd 3,4,5

Camp White, Oregon
12 January 1943

Dear Aunty Clara:

Porfirio Zamora has just sounded Taps but I am still here in the office. I am not done with my work but I think 2300 is late enough to work on it. I worked continually from morning till night on the payroll.

Thanks for the congratulatory notes on my being made a Corporal.

Censky is still a Cpl but is almost certain to be made a Sgt out on the line at the end of this month.

I wonder if I should refund the boys 2¢ per picture? It would pretty well break me. And who am I to kick at making a profit?

The floods do not come over the mountains.

Tell Mrs. Reed that company clerks remain corporals and do not get any higher than that. I am content to be just that for the duration.

Say hello to Senor G., Aunty Flo, Uncle Joe, and Mrs. Reed for me.

I received a card from Jimmy Kotek today. I received a letter from Eddie Cerny today. I received a letter from George Hutchison today. I received a letter from a strange girl today (Eddie enclosed it in his letter). All this was in response to my Christmas cards. Adding these three new correspondents to Mary Kuehnle, I will never get around to answering anyone now.

We had our second shot of Tetanus today. That leaves one to go. This one stopped hurting after a few minutes but now my arm is beginning to ache. We took the shot at 1900.

I was c.q. (charge of quarters) in the office today and had to go eat lunch at 1115. I was the only one in the mess hall and received special service. While I was eating Morris Mersing, the Orderly, came up to me with a letter to be typed up 'at once' and I refused. I couldn't stop the payroll for Company Correspondence. When I went back to the Orderly Room, Sgt Driscoll said I will have to burn the midnight oil (as if I haven't been!).

I am accumulating quite a few things to be sent back home. The Christmas cards, the films, the tube (which, incidentally, I have never found out if you want or what happened to the other one I sent) and THE WATCH which is once more beginning to give out with its disturbing habit of stopping.

That we are moving in the future, whether far or near, is definite and very very certain. However, rumors are now flying so thick and fast that it is no use even repeating them. Just name any place in the U.S. or overseas and you are repeating one of the many places mentioned hereabouts.

More some other time. Take care of yourself.

So long,
/s/ Roman