Dec 19, '42

Hi Aunty Clara:

I all got into Medford once more! I came in after supper.

I got the watch today! Boy oboy is it a beauty. Wheeeeew. Wow etc. Every guy I show it to likes it and they mean it!! It's wonderful. And I really needed it you can bet on that. Thanks Aunty Clara and Aunty Florence for your share in it. I will send letters of thanks to the others immediately.

When I asked what time bed check was tonight I was told 12 P.M. Then when I left 1st Sgt Driscoll stepped out the door & said, "Klick - you don't have to worry about bedcheck - just see that you get off the streets by 12 --- You can take the 12 o'clock bus back to camp.

I got a package from Aunt-Aunt but didn't have time to open it.

I met a fellow in the USO just now who used to live on the next block. We recognized each other and gabbed. He's in the Field Artillery.

About that trick knee. On the way to the bus it buckled up on me and I haven't dared walk loosely since. I keep it stiff as I walk. It's funny - a thing like that would be hard to take to the hospital because it only caves in after a period of fast walking say a ½ mile or a mile. I wouldn't last past the second hole on a golf course now. I don't know whether it would have any affect on my bike riding.

This has really been my Christmas today.

  1. Company Clerk
  2. Wrist Watch
  3. 4 letters
    1. Yours which says you got the films & had the watch sent
    2. Mrs. Reed's
    3. A card from Gary Walroth & his wife Marge
    4. A card from Dad, Rose & Rosana with a money order for $5
  4. A package from Aunt-Aunt
  5. A pass to Medford
  6. Meet a Ciceronian


"Merry Christmas Me"

I'm going to work tomorrow but will write all my letters too.

I am actually happy. Really head over heels in happiness. I hope you are the same. Tomorrow may be different but we live today. When things all break the right way, a fellow just has to feel good --- and he actually enjoys life. Won't I ever make up my mind, or am I to eternally bounce from depression to peak.

We soldiers, especially Hqs soldiers in a non combatant outfit do not realize a war is on. The war was never more distant than now that I am in the army.

I have had sent for me a package for Aunty Florence. Tell me when you get it and if it has an Engrs Insignia and what it says on the back. I didn't see the insides of the package since it wasn't ready.

So long,
/s/ Roman